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  • COVID-19 Information
  • COVID-19 Information

    The college is committed to our students’ learning and well-being, and continues to work to foster meaningful interactions between and among students, faculty, staff and the broader community, while maintaining COVID health and safety protocols.

    Essential Guidelines

    Masking – We understand that masking is a personal choice, and if you continue to mask, we suggest you use only N-95, KN95, or KF94 face masks. Other types of face masks, such as cloth masks, are not as effective at preventing the spread of the virus. Masks are required in the Student Health Center if you are experiencing upper respiratory symptoms.

    Vaccines/Boosters – Goucher follows the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) COVID-19 guidelines and strongly recommends that students receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Testing – The Student Health Center has rapid and PCR tests available to students during regular business hours, Monday through Friday. PCR tests are sent to a local lab and the student’s insurance is billed, consistent with all lab testing performed in the SHC. The Student Health Center no longer has rapid tests to provide students for free. Students are encouraged to keep their own supply of COVID tests. Employees can pursue testing through their healthcare provider or other facilities (e.g., urgent care, pharmacies).


    If you test positive, it is recommended that you isolate off-campus at your home or another space where you may be most comfortable. For residential students who test positive and cannot isolate at an off-campus location, you 
    may isolate on campus in your dorm room. If you are a student with a compromised immune system, please consult with your primary medical provider on where to isolate.

    If you are with symptoms, you will isolate in place for at least 24 hours after both symptoms are improving overall and you have been fever free without the use of a fever reducing medication. You do not need to have a negative COVID test result to end your isolation.

    If you have tested positive, please do all the following: